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RECLAIMING OUR RAINBOW!💪🌈🏳️‍🌈 - The Unfiltered Truth About Pride 2023

Hello, everyone! This is Adam from Coffee with Gays, and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on Pride 2023. This year's Pride was a whirlwind of emotions, filled with joy, frustration, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Pride has always been a celebration of our community, a time when we come together to honor our history, our struggles, and our triumphs. But this year, I couldn't help but notice a shift in the atmosphere. The parades and events that were once vibrant expressions of our community seemed to have been overtaken by corporate sponsorships and a push towards mainstream acceptance.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the support from allies and the recognition from corporations. But when our Pride events start to feel more like a marketing opportunity than a celebration of our community, it's time to take a step back and reassess.

One of the most glaring examples was the relocation of Pride parades from our neighborhoods to more distant, less personal locations. In Dallas, our Pride was moved to Fair Park, and in LA, from WeHo to Chinatown. These changes, while seemingly minor, symbolize a larger issue: are we being pushed out of our own celebrations?

Another point of contention was the increasing cost of attending Pride events. In LA, for instance, Pride was priced at $135 a day! This not only limits accessibility but also contradicts the inclusive spirit of Pride.

Then there's the issue of the Pride flag. The original flag, a beautiful prism of colors, was inclusive of all. But with the addition of colors for other groups, it feels like the original message is being diluted.

Despite these challenges, Pride 2023 also had its moments of joy and unity. From celebrating with my fellow hosts, Ryan and Blaine, to sharing our experiences on the Coffee with Gays podcast, I was reminded of the strength and resilience of our community.

One thing is clear: we need to reclaim our Pride. We need to ensure that our celebrations remain true to their purpose - to honor our history, to celebrate our identities, and to advocate for our rights.

As we look forward to Pride 2024, let's remember that Pride is for us. It's a celebration of who we are, in all our diversity and uniqueness. And no amount of corporate sponsorship or mainstream acceptance should ever change that.

So, here's to us, the LGBTQ+ community. Here's to our Pride. And here's to a future where we continue to celebrate our identities, our stories, and our rights, unapologetically and on our own terms.

Until next time,


P.S. Don't forget to tune into our latest episode of Coffee with Gays where we delve deeper into these topics. We've taken your feedback to heart and made some exciting changes to our format. We can't wait for you to hear it!

View it here:

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